Photo Taken From JA Happ's MLB.com blog
One of the best sentences in the English language is going to be uttered several times tomorrow - "Pitchers and Catchers have reported to Spring Training".
That's right, baseball is here. To celebrate that I've decided to give away almost all of the 2010 Allen & Ginter cards I bought last year. The set just didn't do it for me.
So it's time to clear them off the shelf and make room for something else.
I've compiled the cards that I have for trade here .
There are two tabs - the first page has the inserts and mini's. The second page has the base cards. First come, first serve.
That's great you ask, but what do you want in return?
Well I figured I would do something a little different. Since I don't think it's fiscally prudent for me to invest in a box of 2011 Topps right now, I figured I'd let you help me start the collection. So here is how it's going to work.
If you want 1-9 cards off of my list all I ask in return is two base cards from 2011 Topps Series I. I will keep track of what has been offered so that there is no duplication.
If you want 10+ cards off of the list I ask for one unopened pack of 2011 Topps Series I.
For the two "hits" I'm willing to take a lesser "hit" from 2011 Topps.
That's it.
But wait - I don't have any 2011 Topps and I don't like buying packs, can I still participate? Well sure. Send me an email and we can work something out.
So feel free to start emailing me at yerf at hotmail.com with what you need and we'll get this rolling!
I'll take the tooth fairy and the easter bunny plus all your minis
I wouldn't mind the three dinosaurs plus the Chipper A&G back, #19,#37, #187,#236, #241, #245and #316, I'll send you 2011 Topps, #155, 193, 215, 316, 329, TT26, HOT5, T60-8
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