Friday, September 10, 2010

Why Wasn't I Made Aware of this Sooner?

There is a boxer named Tyson Fury? I'm sorry, but that's the greatest boxing name of all time. Unfortunately, it's also a really limiting name. Boxing is pretty much it, after all if a doctor introduced himself as Dr Tyson Fury I might have to ask for another Doc.

Anyway, the undefeated heavyweight fights equally well named Rich Power tonight on Showtime. Fury is a somewhat regarded as a contender in the heavyweight class and is known as a bit of a knockout artist. So much so that if he can't hit his opponent with a power punch he'll hit himself.

Why are you hitting yourself?
Why are you hitting yourself?
Why are you hitting yourself?

According to the official research site of The Hopeful Chase (Wikipedia) his full name is Luke Tyson Fury and his Dad did pick the name in honor of Mike Tyson who was heavyweight champion at the time (and yes I feel old now). Could he be the next great British heavyweight? Who knows, but tonight's fight could be the first step to that title.

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